Born in Tokyo in 1938. Passed his boyhood on Amami-oshima island. Moved to Amami again in 1974 from Tokyo. Interested in taking pictures, shooting videos and fishing.




( Botanical name: Lilium alexandrae )

The Ukeyuri is a lily that ranges only on Amami-oshima and its
neighboring islands of Kakeromajima, Ukejima and Yorojima. It
is designated as an endangered species. This fragrant lily is said
to be one of the foundation stocks of the Oriental hybrid lily
"Casablanca". Ukeyuri bulbs are a great favorite of wild boars as well as people who won't stop collecting them. In Amami-oshima, Ukeyuris are now so rare that you can see them bloom only on some cliffs in Uken and Yamato villages.
I wonder if it is possible to reproduce its seedlings by applying biotechnology and to propagate them in the wild. If Ukeyuris are as commonplace as hibiscus flowers, people won't be so eager to collect them.
Ukeyris usually bloom in late May, but the average temperature seems
to be a little lower than usual this May. So we will be able to enjoy
the flowers all through June this year.
Picture 1  A snapshot at a private yard in Sumiyocho.
Picture 2  A snapshot at a private yard in Sumiyocho.
Picture 3  Ukeyuris blooming on a cliff in Yamato village.
Picture 4  Ukeyuris blooming on a cliff in Yamato village.   

