Born in Tokyo in 1938. Passed his boyhood on Amami-oshima island. Moved to Amami again in 1974 from Tokyo. Interested in taking pictures, shooting videos and fishing.

( Botanical name: Pandanus odoratissimus )

Adan trees that belong to the Pandanus family range from the Tokara Islands southward to Australia. Most coastlines of the Amami Islands are bordered with the Adan-belt. Every seaside village in Amami used to have an Adan forest along its beach. Today, the concrete seawall and tetrapods have almost destroyed its Adan forest. But at inhabited shores, the Adan forests still function as natural breakwater.


When it comes to a village with the most pristine Adan forest, the only village that comes to mind is Katoku (where singer Chitose Hajime is from). However, uninhabited shores like Tebiro Beach (which is a favorite with surfers) and Yo-miskai (Cape Kasari) still have a long greenbelt of Adan trees. Development on these beaches should be the last thing done, if these Adan trees are to survive.


The Adan (Pandanus Odoratissimus) is dioecious and blooms in the summer. The fruit seems to mature after two years. When I was a boy, I once tried some pieces from a ripe, deep orange collective fruit. They were sort of sweet, but I remember I got an itchy throat after eating them. Overripe fruit drops and falls apart. The fallen pieces are a weakness of hermit crabs. 
