Born in Tokyo in 1938. Passed his boyhood on Amami-oshima island. Moved to Amami again in 1974 from Tokyo. Interested in taking pictures, shooting videos and fishing.

( Botanical name: Cyathea lepifera )


The forest of Hikageheo tree ferns is somehow suggestive of the Jurassic period. I wouldn’t be surprised if dinosaurs should strut about there in a lordly manner, like in the film by Steven Spielberg.


The Hikagehego is a tree fern that grows over ten meters tall. Its colossal leaves sort of give a tropical atmosphere, like those of palm trees. It ranges from the Amamian Islands to the Okinawan Islands, Taiwan and the Philippines. I have once seen a pretty similar tree fern in the Blue Mountains National Park not far from Sidney. Possibly, these can be akin to the Hikagehego, but not the same species.


A unique pattern is formed on the Hikagehego trunk after the leafstalks fall off. Gardeners make use of the cut trunks as flowerpots for epiphytic plants like the Otaniwatari (Asplenium antiquum).